This week is forecasted to be hot in nearly every dairy producing part of the country. Month-long predictions have much of the same with above average temperatures expected for all of July
Class III milk, not Class I, could be the price leader in June milk checks. “June’s Class III price (driven by cheese price gains) is expected to jump over $7 per hundredweight (cwt.)
Class III milk, not Class I, likely will be the price leader in June milk checks. That’s a rare occurrence as Class I beverage milk is typically the market leader
The value of water to cow comfort cannot be understated. It’s useful to remember that, in times of potential heat stress, water is not only necessary for drinking but can also help cows release excess...
When the new 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans are released later this year, it appears dairy will keep its prominent seat at the table in USDA’s diet recommendations
when it comes to farm safety, the entire farm team must have their eyes wide open. Being raised on a dairy farm was one of the best parts of my childhood. My upbringing was etched so deeply
My dad is an avid coffee drinker. We were running low on calf bottle holders, so we came up with an idea to reuse the plastic coffee containers for easier feeding
Typically, dairy sales are comprised of a 50-50 split between food service venues (restaurants) and retail outlets (grocery stores). Of course, that all changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic
A properly implemented approach to using dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) balancing in prefresh diets has been shown to reduce milk fever and limit postcalving metabolic problems with greater lactation...
It’s the question hanging over the country’s collective head as businesses look toward reopening plans . . . “When will Americans feel comfortable patronizing us?”